Auto-car manufacturing in Rajshahi by June, 2016

BSS, Rajshahi :
In principle, a decision has been taken to manufacturing battery-driven auto car (automobile) in BSCIC industrial estate in Rajshahi city by June 2016. Rajshahi BSCIC Industrial estate has been selected for the venture Car manufacturing three companies – Zinwa, BMG and KRW- from South Korea will manufacture the car in collaboration with Ena Group in Bangladesh.
An 11-member delegation from the three companies visited the proposed factory site and held a meeting with the local businessmen and other concerned at the conference hall of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) yesterday.
Marking the occasion, Engineer Enamul Haque, MP, Managing Director of Ena Group, told the attending journalists that manufacturing of auto-car is likely to start by June next year.
Improved Lithium battery will be added in the car. With providing charge in one time the car will run for at least 100 kilometers. The car will cost around 18,000 US Dollar equivalents to Bangladeshi currency Taka 12 lakh.
The manufactured cars will be exported to abroad. Mainly, the European markets will be given priority in this regard.
The foreign companies have taken decision to invest worth around 100 million dollar in the new venture while the Ena group will provide all other requisite supports including staff and labour recruitments.
Engineer Enamul further said the initiative has been taken as part of establishing industries in the hitherto neglected Rajshahi, a potential place for industrialization.
On commissioning of the factory trade and business in Rajshahi will be expanded besides creating employment opportunities, he added.
Speaking on the occasion, Md Muniruzzaman, President of RCCI, termed the venture as laudable and called for more foreign investment in the region.
He said more foreign investment towards industrialization, especially agriculture and its processing sector in the region has become an urgent need for making the sector more vibrant besides encouraging the growers. He viewed if the investment were enhanced substantially the agricultural sector coupled with ICT sector will bring an unprecedented success for the region. Quick implementation of the proposed Hi-tech Park in Rajshahi could be the effective means of flourishing the agro-based economy.
Referring to the existing statistics in various developed and developing countries he said foreign investment is always supportive towards raising value labourers besides boosting their numbers.
He underscored the need for setting up agro-processing industries to ensure maximum utilization of agricultural products.
Establishment of agro-processing industries would encourage the farmers to grow more high valued products for their higher income. He termed the industrialization as the most relevant indicator of the country’s progress and prosperity.
The agro-based industries constitute about 50 percent of the country’s total industries, employing 60 percent of the total labor forces in the industrial sector.