Authorities indifferent! Water-logging becomes a constant problem to the residents of Bhanga Press area in the city’s Jatrabari area due to inadequate drainage sections and outlets, disposal of solid waste into the drains and lack of proper maintenance. The photo, taken on Thursday, shows that the rickshaw-pullers are fighting hard to make a way through the road which is flooded with the stinky drain water.

Authorities indifferent! Water-logging becomes a constant problem to the residents of Bhanga Press area in the city's Jatrabari area due to inadequate drainage sections and outlets, disposal of solid waste into the drains and lack of proper maintenance.
Authorities indifferent! Water-logging becomes a constant problem to the residents of Bhanga Press area in the city's Jatrabari area due to inadequate drainage sections and outlets, disposal of solid waste into the drains and lack of proper maintenance.