Australian senator compared to an ‘angry prostitute’

Senator Jacqui Lambie has made disparaging remarks about one of her parliamentary colleagues.
Senator Jacqui Lambie has made disparaging remarks about one of her parliamentary colleagues.
BBC Online :
An outspoken Australian senator has compared her conservative counterpart to an “angry prostitute” before apologising to sex workers.
Independent Jacqui Lambie has a history of clashing with government senator Cory Bernadi.
Senator Bernardi was this week critical of Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, who had a travel bill paid by a Chinese donor.
Senator Lambie compared Mr Bernardi’s outrage to a “prostitute lecturing us about the benefits of celibacy”.
“Before I receive unfair criticism from the sex workers, I apologise to them profusely for comparing them to Senator Bernardi – I know that is a really terrible low-down thing to do,” she told parliament.
“Prostitutes are far more honest, sincere, humane, compassionate and better bang-for-buck than Senator Bernardi will ever be able to deliver.”
Senator Bernardi, one of the ruling Liberal Party’s most vocal right-wingers, laughed off her colourful comments.
“God love her,” he said.
“She operates in a different universe to the rest of us. But I’m pleased Senator Lambie has acknowledged that I’m not for sale.”
The conservative politician also said that Senator Dastyari’s position as manager of opposition business in the parliament was “entirely untenable”.
Attorney-General George Brandis has called on Senator Dastyari to explain a string of payments by Chinese interests, suggesting he may have been “compromised”.
Senator Dastyari insists the payment was properly declared and has since donated the amount to charity.
This is not the first time Ms Lambie has attracted attention for her colourful comments.
She once described on talkback radio her ideal man as well-off and “well hung”.