Australia well placed for infrastructure investment: Industry leaders

Xinhua, Sydney :
Leaders from Australia’s infrastructure investment scene gathered in Sydney on Thursday to discuss what investors were looking for when it came to infrastructure, as part of the Australian Financial Review’s (AFR) National Infrastructure Summit.
Matina Papathanasiou, deputy head of global infrastructure at QIC, Australia’s second largest wholesale funds manager, said there were five key reasons why Australia was an attractive place to invest funds into.
“We have a relatively stable and predictable regulatory environment… as well as a sophisticated market,” Papathanasiou said.
“Our proximity to Asia is a very attractive feature because of our free trade agreements we have with South Korea, China and Japan.”
She noted Australia’s markets were relatively open to international investors and despite having a smaller economy compared with other countries, Australia still had a significant infrastructure environment.
“Capital is global, and we invest around the world, but Australia is still a very attractive place to invest.”
Papathanasiou also noted the renewable energy sector as an important part of Australia’s energy future.
Australian Super’s head of infrastructure Jason Peasley added infrastructure should be looked upon as a long-term investment.