Australia lauds BD’s economic growth over 2 decades

Documentary on economic growth launched

UNB, Dhaka :
Australian High Commissioner in Dhaka Greg Wilcock has congratulated the government of Bangladesh for making remarkable economic progress over the past two decades.
“When economic growth is complemented by effective policies, including social protection, which help the poor and vulnerable benefit from and contribute to national prosperity, that growth becomes more inclusive and sustainable and those societies more stable,” he said.
The diplomat made the remarks while launching a documentary ‘Leaving No One Behind: Social Protection Ensuring Economic Growth is Sustainable and Inclusive’, produced by the Australian Government recently.
He also highlighted the successes of the Government, supported by non-government partners like BRAC, in reducing the country’s levels of extreme poverty, said a press release.
The Australian Government produced the documentary to demonstrate the impact and effectiveness of social protection programs in Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines.
The film showcases how social protection programs can stimulate economic activity, addresses inequality and help to reduce the impacts of poverty.
The programme was attended by Prof Shamsul Alam, member (Senior Secretary) of the General Economic Division, and Anna Minj, director of BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction program, among others.
Prof Alam highlighted the importance of social protection for Bangladesh because many of its citizens still live under the poverty line.
He mentioned “The government has developed a National Social Security Strategy to streamline future social protection programs which will reduce poverty, inequality and spark economic growth. Australia and other donors are making a valuable contribution in the area of social protection.”
Minj said since 2002 this program has helped 6.4 million people graduate from extreme poverty.
This successful program is being replicated in eight other countries.
In Bangladesh, Australia is providing AUD 67 million over four years to support both Government and non-government partners to develop social protection policies and implement social protection programs.