Sexual abuse: AUST teacher confesses

UNB, Dhaka :
A court here on Saturday recorded the confessional statement of Mahfuzur Rashid Ferdous, a teacher of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), in a case filed over sexual harassment of female students of the university.
Metropolitan magistrate Kazi Kamrul Islam recorded the confessional statement of the teacher Under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedures (CrPC) in the case.
Earlier in the day, sub-inspector of Women Support and Investigation
Division Afroz Irene Koli, also investigation officer (IO) of the case, produced him before the court on completion of his two-day remand, seeking the court order to send him to jail.
Following the petition, the court recorded his confessional statement and passed the order to send him to jail.
On May 4, a Dhaka court placed Ferdous on a two-day remand rejecting his bail petition in the case.
On Thursday last, five AUST female students, who fell victim to sexual harassment by their teacher Ferdous, testified before separate Dhaka courts in the case.
The five victims, all students of different semesters of the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) of the university, made their depositions against the teacher under section 22 of the Women & Children Repression Prevention Act.
Police arrested Ferdous, who is associate professor of the Department of EEE, from his apartment in the city’s Eskatan area early Wednesday in connection with a case filed by Asadullah Al Sayem, brother of a victim.
Students of the university staged demonstrations on the campus against the teacher alleging that the teacher has a long record of harassing female students sexually. On April 30, the AUST authorities suspended the teacher in the face of the students’ protests.