Attacks on motorcade can’t demoralise BNP men

UNB, Dhaka :
Stating that it will not be possible to demoralise their leaders from reaching out to people by making attacks on their motorcades, BNP senior leader Moudud Ahmed on Friday hinted that their chairperson Khaleda Zia will embark on some other district tours soon to drum up public support.
Speaking at a discussion, he also said their party will join the 11th parliamentary elections under any adverse situation. “Our leader (Khaleda) will again go on tour, and we’ll see how many times you can attack her convoys. You’ve got scared as she has just taken to the streets…we would like to say it won’t be possible to stop the progress of our party, our leader and people by attacking us and our convoy,” the BNP leader said.
He came up with the comments while speaking at a discussion arranged by Swadhinata Forum at the Jatiya Press Club, protesting the attacks on Khaleda’s motorcade in Feni on her way to Cox’s Bazar and return to the capital last week. Moudud, a BNP standing committee member, said it is known to all who attacked their chairperson’s convoy. “Even our opponents also know it very well that the cadres of Awami League,
Chhatra League and Jubo League made the attacks. We strongly condemn it.”
 About the next general election, he said, “We’ll join the polls this time and you (party men) all get ready for that. A mass wave will be created in the election. There’ll be a mass upsurge, if you (AL) don’t reach an understanding.” The BNP leader alleged that Awami League has proved it is a terror party by its activities over the last 10 years.
“They (AL) are involved in all the terror acts.” Moudud also said the ruling party will be forced to reach an understanding with BNP over the next polls with a public wrath. “There’ll be no election in the county without BNP’s participation. We want to assure that we’ll join the polls under any unfavorable situation.” He alleged that the government is not allowing BNP to hold public rallies as it fears people and their gatherings.