Attack on Dr Kamal unfortunate: CEC


Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda on Saturday said Friday’s attack on Jatiya Oikyafront leader Dr Kamal Hossain’s motorcade is unfortunate.
“It’s an unfortunate incident. He’s a senior citizen and famous person. Any attack on him is never expected,” the CEC said replying to a question at a press conference at Nirbachan Bhaban in the city. Nurul Huda further said, “It’s a criminal offence in the eye of law. Measures will be taken in this regard according to law.”
The CEC said, the Commission will send their allegation, submitted over the incident, to the election enquiry committee to look into the matter. He said the EC will take measures after receiving report from the enquiry committee. Dr Kamal Hossain’s motorcade came under attack allegedly by ruling party activists near the Martyred Intellectuals Memorial at Mirpur on Friday morning while returning after paying tributes to the martyred intellectuals, leaving at least 10 people injured.
However, Dr Kamal, also the chief of Gano Forum that is a component of Jatiya Oikyafront, escaped the attack unhurt.
