Attack on Ctg Press Club protested

Chittagong Press Club and Chittagong Union of Journalists jointly arranged a protest rally in front of Chittagong Press Club premises on Wednesday condemning the attack on journalists and Club on Tuesday.
Chittagong Press Club and Chittagong Union of Journalists jointly arranged a protest rally in front of Chittagong Press Club premises on Wednesday condemning the attack on journalists and Club on Tuesday.
Chittagong Bureau :
Chittagong Press Club and the Chittagong Union of Journalists jointly arranged a protest rally in front of press club premises on Wednesday condemning the attack on journalists and club office on Tuesday .
 The speakers in the rally said journalists always cordial to minority community but an unruly youths under the banner of Sanatan Hindu samaj tortured the journos and conduct vandalism in press club office . The rally demanded exemplary punishment to the real culprits and their masterminds. Mentionable that in connection of the heinous behavior of the unruly youths towards journalists under the banner of Hindu sanatan samaj, police rounded up 4 youths instantly from the spot and two separate cases have been with the Kotwali thana police , sources said.
 Among others, senior journalist Rafiqul Bahar, joint secretary of Press club Chowdhury Farid, vice president of BFUJ Shahidul Alam, President of CUJ Reaz Haider Chowdhury, General Secretary Mohammad Ali, Press Club President Kalim Sarwar spoke in the rally. Earlier reports of the incident adds:
Supporters of United Sanatan Samaj, Bangladesh stormed in the press club and attacks on journalists from a human chain programme that occurred on Tuesday evening .
In their attacks, four journalists were injured, a journalist sources said. Eye witnesses sources said the activities of Sanatan Samaj formed human chain in front of Press Club barricading the main entrance of the club and thoroughfare on Tuesday evening.
The participants in the human chain became agitated while the club authority asked them not to close the entrance of the club and to avoid barricading main thoroughfare infront of the club building.
.Being agitated with the instructions of the club authority, the activists hurled brickbats and entered in the premises of the club and began lathi charge on journalists and snatched away the cameras of the working photo journalists . Sensing the news of violence by these religious fanatics, police rushed to the spot and instantly rounded up four activists of the Sanatan Samaj .
The detained indentied as Ajoy Dutta, Nayan Sarker, Piyal sharma and Anubhab Majumder, sources said.