Attack on 19-party chairman candidate alleged


Chittagong Bureau :
It is alleged that 19-party alliance candidate for Raozan upazila chairman was attacked by the activists of the rival oppositions on Thursday last.
 This allegation of attack on Upazila chairman candidate Anowar Hossain was disclosed at a press conference held at Chittagong Press club on Thursday. The written statement was read by the candidate at the press meet.
The press meet was told that a terrorists group of 20-25 led terrorist Khalegue attacked them in Bagoan union of the upazila while mass contact programme and hurled bullets on them. The rival opposition terrors physically beat them and snatched away mobile and cash money from them.
Later, the AL supporters and activists warned the chairman candidate over cell phone to withdraw from the election race otherwise dare consequences will be forced on him.
It is also alleged that on the occasion of coming upazila election in Raozan upazila, all AL cadres in every unions of the upazila procured arms to create anarchy and violence during election time, press meet was told.
