Commentary: Attack by Islamphobia on London Mosque is ISIS provocation

Editorial Desk :
THE attack on a North London Mosque that killed one and injured nine on Monday night after Ramzan prayer is considered a terrorist attack by a British Muslim hater. The driver of a van rammed his vehicle on Muslim worshippers who came out of the mosque at midnight. The van driver described by eyewitnesses as a white man, and was quoted as shouting to kill Muslims.
It is sad that London is witnessing one after another tragedy since early this year. Only last week the devastating fire destroyed the high-rise 24-storied building bloc in West London posh area killing 79 so far while more are still missing.
It is unthinkable that such a big fire could engulf such a city bloc and kill so many lives in London city heart showing the fire from miles away. That was hard to believe and yet it happened. The attack on North London Mosque or death in West London fire tragedy is really painful that we mourn. Earlier the attack on London Bridge or Westminster Bridge that killed many were equally manifestation of hate crimes and we have no words to condemn.
We are profoundly saddened and expressed sympathy for the dead and injured.
The attack on the London Mosque is of special significance for the fact that the van driver is a Christian white man and he was motivated by hatred against Muslim for terrorism by ISIS like terrorist groups who call themselves Muslim. We have been insisting that the so-called Islamist terrorists are anti-Muslim and their motive is to make life difficult for Muslims to live in the Western countries. This is what has motivated him in the attack on the Mosque. But the great British people behaved very responsibly emphasizing unity among the communities.
British PM Theresa May has rightly said she was sickened by the attack on Muslims near their place of worship. And like all terrorism, in whatever form, it shared the same fundamental goal — to drive people apart; and to break the precious bonds of solidarity and peaceful inter-community relationships that was shared in the UK.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn visited the area and stated that “an attack on a mosque, an attack on a synagogue, an attack on a church is actually an attack on all of us”.
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said, extra police have been deployed in the city to reassure communalities of peaceful life. He said horrific terrorist attacks can’t be allowed to occur again. It is an assault on the shared values of tolerance, freedom and self-respect.
We want the activities of the so-called Islamist terrorists should be deeply investigated. It is a dirty conspiracy to create misunderstanding between the Christians and the Muslims. Their intention is to ensure Muslims are forced to leave the Western Countries.