Atomic Scientists also demand for pay hike

Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Scientists Association (BAESA) has demanded inclusion of “selection grade” and “timescale” for inspiring the scientists.
Otherwise, the country’s scientist community would financially be deprived in the newly approved eighth pay scale, the association said in a press release on Thursday.
The BAESA, a professional body of over 500 nuclear scientists serving Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, said that the government uplifted the commission’s Chairman to “super grade-1” and members to “super grade-2” in the new pay structure.
The government last month approved the new payscale for its employees with a highest basic pay of Tk 78,000 and a minimum of Tk 8,250 in 20 grades.
The new scale also provided with two “super grades.” The first one is Tk 86,000 and the second Tk 82,000 as basic pay, said Dr ASM Saifullah, General Secretary of the association.
But the abolishing of selection grade and the timescale benefits would definitely deprive the scientists’ community as they serve in a particular position for a long time due to a dearth of higher posts, he said.
In the previous payscale, an officer serving at a particular position for a certain period of time was automatically lifted to the immediate higher financial grade, even if he was not promoted to a higher position, said Dr Saifullah.