Athletics certificate distribution ceremony tomorrow

BSS, Dhaka :
The athletics training course for trainer and certificate distribution ceremony will be held tomorrow (August 25) at Dhanmondi Sultana Kamal Women’s Sports Complex in the city, said a Bangladesh Women’s Sports Association (BWSA) press release.
A total of 55 trainees from 22 districts across the country took part in the two-week long course, organised by BWSA.
Athletics trainers M Kitab Ali, Sheikh Abdul Jobbar, Razia Sultana Anu, and Abdullah Hel Kafi conducted the course.
State Minister for Youth and Sports Dr Biren Sikder MP is expected to present in the certificate distribution ceremony as chief guest while Bangladesh Athletics Federation present ASM Ali Kabir will present as special guest.
BWSA president Mahbub Ara Begum Gini will preside over the ceremony.