At Home Stay Away From Pandemic


Kbd M Alamgir Hossain :
Governments around the world are advising people to stay home and socially distance themselves in order to reduce pressures on health services and stop the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). More than 1,002,000 people have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease worldwide, as the death toll surpassed 51,000 while about 208,000 patients recovered. WHO has recently reported that family violence has been increased in worldwide due to the impact of Covid -19. Experts are stumbling down to tackle it. They urge to stay at home again and again. A Washington Post-ABC News poll found roughly 9 in 10 Americans say they are staying home as much as possible and practicing social distancing to avoid becoming infected with the virus. So let us Stay at home and follow some tips recommended by WHO. Wash our hands frequently and carefully. Avoid touching our face. Stop shaking hands and hugging people. Don’t share personal items. Cover our mouth and nose when we cough and sneeze. Clean and disinfect surfaces. Take social distancing seriously. Let us not gather in groups. Wash fresh groceries.
Now notice some benefits staying at home. You’re not tempted by sales or new stuff. You are avoiding the germy hordes of people. Limiting your exposure to germs, saving you from spending on medicine and doctors’ visits, as well as losing money. Enjoying no risk of crime. Taking care of your home and belongings heads off potential problems and break-downs.. If you take the time to relax around your house, you can head off stress without resorting to expensive activities that you use in lieu of actually relaxing. Facing no risk of road accidents. Entertaning healthier eating.
 So there is no alternative way to stay at home not only for preventing coronavirus but also for getting benefits.. Although staying at home is distressful we should not go out in this pandemic. By staying at home punctually people get opportunities to perform the following adoptions sincerely for keeping life normal .. a.) They can learns to keep six feet of distance between him and others while in public (indoors and outdoors) and avoiding physical contact with people .b).take shelter in place not for socializing with the outsider people). Be prompt to check his temperature and watch for signs of coronavirus infection, including fever, shortness of breath and coughing. d.) Restrict the movement of someone who is well but who recently had close contact with a person who later was diagnosed with the virus.. e). Wake up at the same time each day, shower and get dressed in comfortable clothes. f.) Create a task list and establish working hours. g.) Take coffee and stretch breaks. It’s much easier to stay sedentary for hours of working at home than in the office. h.) Be mindful of the time bonus and use it for self-care, time with family or pleasure, like reading a book or listening to a podcast. i.) Allow children and teens to stay connected via phones and social media, and consider loosening the rules about the amount of time they are allowed to spend with friends online.
Stay at home to play a constructive role in nurturing family bondage. Home is where bonding takes place and a child learns to attach to relationships. Home serves as our base camp. It’s where we rest our head every night. It’s a place of protection from the world and all that it demands. So never feel boring in home quarantine, lockdown, isolation, forced holiday vacations or staying at home. Leanings from these periods would be a great lesson for future. I do believe you would realize the value of time, renovate family connection, rebuild relationships and redesign of your daily activities along with family bondage.
If you take the following attempts and attentions in staying at home.
1) Be habituated in smiling with family members. It increases the immune system.
2) Keep silent to avoid quarrelsome environment in family.
3) Perform the prescribed yoga like tress, Half moon, hand lifting, birbodrason and italic irritation which are very effective for maintaining good health during staying at home.
4) Start or join a virtual book club. Get to know others through your mutual love of books. Book clubs can easily be held online.
5) A group video chat and catch up with your whole family or friend group at once.
6) Learn some new software, learn a language, or practice an instrument. You can also work on crafts, or practice something artistic like painting or writing. Perfecting your work skills may mean extra money someday if you get promoted, while perfecting crafting or artistic skills may mean that you get good enough to sell your creations.
7) For those who did not have time to give to the family, staying at home now may be a blessing. Spending most of the day with your partner.
8) You have to coordinate with your partner through helping household activities.”
9) Enjoy melodious music.
10) At this time, many people are under stress to follow the normal routine. So sit down with your partner and take some time apart.
11) If you do not go out, you can take a long breath from standing on the porch or walking to the terrace for a while.
12) Talk to people on the phone with whom you feel less stress.
14) This time, the storyline will be debated. That is why it cannot be blasphemed. Shame stopped talking. Explain your words to your partner with empathy. Play video games together.- learning something new, together. May be a foreign language..
15) Together they can ‘message’ each other by telling them of love.
16) Renovate the furniture of the house, clean the house together, cook, help with cutting
17) To spend time with yourself and respect each other,
18) Try to go to bed at the same time.
19) Before going to bed, both of you can watch favorite TV shows together or spend your time talking to each other privately, before going to bed, saying ‘good night’ to each other.

(Kbd M Alamgir Hossain, District Election Officer, Moulvibazar; email: [email protected])
