Aries (21 March-20 April): Be confident. There is a way to reduce anger-think how much you are responsible for the situation. Jupiter will work as a change maker. Performing artists will see good days. Tuesday will be the luckiest day.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): Your new financial initiative will be successful. Bad days for SME businessmen. Don’t be impulsive in taking any decision. Your son will be the catalyst for your financial loss. Wednesday will be the luckiest day.

Gemini (22 May- 21 June): Persons in administrative sector will see good days. Look before you leap into marriage field. Literary figures will see good days so far as reputation and financial gains are concerned. Government awards for artists are likely. Friday will be the luckiest day.

Cancer (22 June- 22 July): Government service holders will get good news. Familial quarrel will make you depressed. Don’t neglect any thyroid problem. Don’t be excited over trivial matters. Monday will be the luckiest day.

Leo (23 July-23 August): You might see change of your job station but your will find no reason for it. Some of your neighbors will ask for your help. Don’t indulge illegal initiative of others. Water borne disease might attack you. Sunday will be the luckiest day.

Virgo (24 August- 23 September): Be careful-others might misguide you. Actresses will see success. Jobseekers will see good days. Politicians will see good days. Check and re-check your account sheet. Thursday will be a gala day.


Libra (24 September- 22 October): Don’t be obstinate. Politicians should be careful of group clash. Unemployed youths will get jobs. Be careful of your enemies. Wednesday will be the luckiest day.

Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): You will get a good news in job. Your dream will come true. Any new connection of your sister’s or daughter’s marriage will be established. Bad name in love affair. Tuesday will be the Luckiest day.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December): Check your expenditure. You might take part in any religions festival. Teachers will see good days. Any new connection will make you happy. Thursday will be a happy day.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): Planned tour might be disrupted. Persons in police and defense sectors will see good days. Journalists will get new opportunities. You might suffer from nerve-related disease. Saturday will be a Lucky day.

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): You will find success in group work. Sportsmen will see good days. Businessmen will see difficulties from government side.
Head related disease might give you pain. Wednesday will be a gala day.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Retired officials will find proper avenues to channel their spirit of services. Contractors will see difficult days. Enmity of others will make familial problem. Any sad news might give you pain. Sunday will be a lucky day. n

-Mondal Prodip Kumar
