Aries (21 March-20 April): Any valuable material might be lost. Your reputation in love affair might be tarnished. Financial problem will make you tensed. You might face enmity in your property matters. Lucky day will be Tuesday.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): The physician you will meet this week will help you recover soon. You will be in good book of your boss for your skill. Try to avoid restlessness of mind. Bad time for laborers. Wednesday will be your lucky day.

Gemini (22 May- 21 June): Your influence in social and political matters will be increased. Don’t reveal your secret matters to others. Journalists might see obstacles in work. Agriculturists, Agronomists will see good days. Friday will be a gala day.

Cancer (22 June- 22 July): Politicians will see success in work. ‘Forgive and forget’ can not be the motto always. Try to remember the poet “Let me be cruel where forgiveness is a weakness.” Load of work might make you depressed. Tour is likely. Lucky day will be Monday.


Leo (23 July-23 August): Temporary problem in higher education. Any friend might harm you. Try to accept the little problem in conjugal life. Businessmen will face obstacle for employees. Sunday will be your lucky day.
Virgo (24 August- 23 September): Death of any near and dear one will pain you. Journalists will get new opportunities. Because of your carelessness any valuable thing might be lost. Film directors will face problems. Thursday will be a gala day.

Libra (24 September- 22 October): Promotion in work place is likely but it might be delayed. Pharmaceutical businessmen will see good days. Try to utilise the prospect in job. Organisers should be careful. Lucky day will be Wednesday.

Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): Try to think again before finalizing your love marriage. Technologists will see promotion. Obstacles in higher education. Any cheat might create problem in your family life. Tuesday will be your lucky day.
Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December): Familial peace will prevail though load of work will be increased. Death of a relative will pain you. Your wife’s health might be deteriorated. Support and cooperation in social work will be got from VIPS. Thursday will be a gala day.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): You will be able to realize your dues. A feat of dysentery might attack you. Businessmen will face tough competition but at last will see ray of light. Persons in security sectors should be more careful. Lucky day will be Saturday.  
Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): Father’s or mother’s health might be your headache. Your good image in work place might be in danger. Partner businessmen will see conflict of interest. Students will face temporary problems. Wednesday will be your lucky day.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Try to avoid conflict with the authority in workplace. Headache might pain you. You will get cooperation of friend. Try to embrace other’s opinion in family. Sunday will be a gala day. n
-Mondal Prodip Kumar
