Aries (21 March-20 April): Tour to a short distance is likely. Try to be careful to maintain balance in your conjugal life-your restlesness of mind migth disrupt it. A problem in your work place will be solved. Good days for businessmen excepting those who are in dairy business. Fate will laugh on Tuesday.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): Those willing to do love marriage will see difficulties. Success in a special work will make you happy. One of your near relations will get job. Contractors should rethink about any new contract. Lucky day will be Wednesday.

Gemini (22 May- 21 June): Businessmen will see legal problems. You will get the help of your boss in promotion in your work place. Be careful of financial dealings-your reputation might be tarnished. Avoid tours this week. Friday will be a gala day.

Cancer (22 June- 22 July): Don’t adopt unfair means in earning money-in the long run it will make a problem in your profession. You will get help from your colleagues in work place. Literary figures will get reputation. Social workers will get reputation. Fate will laugh on Monday.

Leo (23 July-23 August): Diplomacy is not always telling what you feel like telling- even white lie might be needed. You will be able to realize your dues. You will be able to defeat your enemy through diplomacy. Politicians will get reputation and support. Lucky day will be Sunday.  

Virgo (24 August- 23 September): Your work might remain unfinished because you will be busy with your guests. Avoid tension and anxiety-it will create a bad effect on your body-every disease is psychosomatic. Businessmen will see temporary problems. You wil get help of your better half. Thursday will be a gala day.


Libra (24 September- 22 October): You might be guilty for the fault of others. Organisers should be careful. Businessmen might face legal problem. Sportsmen will get repution Fate will laugh on Wednesday.

Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): Tour Try to avoid restlessness for happiness in conjugal life. will give you happiness. Businessmen in chemical and petrol related commodities will see good days. You might get awards in sports competition. Lucky day will be Tuesday.

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December): Politicians should be careful of secret enemies. Your son might add to your anxiety.Any good news in your work is likely. Any competition will bring success for you. Thursday will be a gala day.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): Any valuable thing might get lost. Mind runs like a horse try to tame it. Try to be careful on roads-you might be hurt. Your fate will laugh on Saturday.

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): Tour will be fruitful. Try to avoid war of words in family circle. Your father will help in land related matters. You have to be under financial constraint for treatment of your family number. Lucky day will be Wednesday.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Don’t trust everybody. Be choosy in trusting people this week. Good time for journos You will see good days in day-to-day life and in work place. Don’t be over generous in financial matters. Sunday will be a gala day. n  
-Mondal Prodip Kumar
