Aries (21 March-20 April): Take good care of your health. You will see maximum hard work but minimum financial gain. Days of Conjugal unhappiness. Students might face problems. Be careful so that your valuable things are not lost or stolen, Tuesday will be a lucky day.

Taurus (21 April-20 May): Persons in industrial sectors will see problematic days. Businessmen will see problematic days for legal matters. Your unfinished work will be done well. You will get cooperation of your colleagues. Artists and actors will enjoy reputation. Fate will laugh on Friday.

Gemini (21 May- 20 June): Your mind might be restless. Day laborers should be careful so that they might not be physically hurt. Students will see new opportunities. Some of the daily chores will remain unfinished. Your boss might be displeased with you. Wednesday is a gala day.

Cancer (21 June- 20 July): Try to be careful in internet love- you might be cheated. Try to be economic. Doctors and pleaders will see favorable days. Some politicians will regain lost reputation. Monday will be the luckiest day.

Leo (21 July-21 August): You might see a change in work place. Those who have started new business will see problematic days. Take care of your health. Your colleagues will be helpful. You might face family feud. Fate will laugh on Sunday.


Virgo (22 August- 22 Beptem Sir): You will turn into successful Romeos. A luxury item might be added to your family asset. You will gain success by dint of your hard work. Avoid clash with your brother. Mental restlessness will obstruct your work. Wednesday will be a gala day.

Libra (23 September- 22 October): Control your anger- it might cause disaster. Small businessmen will see tough days. You might be in depressive mood. Some unemployed youths will get part time jobs. Tour is likely. Friday will be the luckiest day.
Scorpio (23 October- 21 November): You will be appreciated in your work places. Conjugal happiness will prevail. Big shots in administrative positions will get promotion. You might be in mentally unrest condition. You might be tensed because of familial problem. Fate will laugh on Tuesday.

Sagittarius (22 November – 20 December): Try to save money. Persons in Judicial sectors will get reputation. Be careful not to lose any opportunity because of your negligence. New Opportunity in higher education. SME businessmen will see problematic days. Thursday will be a gala day.

Capricorn (21 December- 19 January): New service holders will face problem in works Places. Family expenditure will suddenly be increased. Your latent hope will be fulfilled. Government service holders will see change of duty station. Tour is likely. Saturday will be the luckiest day.

Aquarius (20 January- 18 February): Some will gain land property of his near and dear one. Don’t be restless over trivial matter. Try to be frugal. Any cheat might cheat you in any deal. Your subordinates will put you into trouble. Fate will laugh on Friday.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): You will get reputation in workplace but promotion will be delayed. Export-import businessmen will see bad days. Meritorious students will see good days. Any VIP will come to your help. Saturday will be the luckiest day. n  
-Mondal Prodip Kumar
