Aries (21 March-20 April): Take care of our health-you may suffer from intestinal problem. You may yourself bring your economic loss. Performing artists and engineers will say good days. A familial problem might pain you. You might see problem in workplace.

Taurus (21 April-21 May): Be tactful that no necessary work remains unfinished. Be careful on roads. You might be tensed. Be careful to control your hot temper. Your initiative will work.

Gemini (22 May- 21 June): Try to avoid quarrel. You might lose your friend. Government service holders, officials in insurance sector, income tax sector will see good days. Partner businessman will see favorable days. Your dream will come true.

Cancer (22 June- 22 July): Take care of your health. Control your diet according to your physical condition. A new communication will bring new hope for you. Your behavior will attract others. You will face enmity in business.

Leo (23 July-23 August): Your son might add to your anxiety. Try to avoid quarrel in land matters. You will be able to finish unfinished tasks. Government service holders will see good days. Partner businessman will see favorable days.

Virgo (24 August-23 September): Financial problem might be your anxiety but you will overcome this problem. Take loans if needed in business. Try to avoid misunderstanding with brothers and friends. You might get a new work. You might face temporary problem in business. You will get promotion but change of duty station in work place.


Libra (24 September-22 October): Time is not in your favour. Try to be cautious. Romeos will see successful days. Your better half’s health will be improved. Politicians will see group clash. Job seekers should take good preparation for interviews.

Scorpio (23 October- 23 November): Try to take care of your health. Give extra attention to your father’s health. If you are on official tour,be more careful. Politicians should be careful not to be misguided by propaganda. Extra duties in work place.
Sagittarius (22 November- 21 December): You might face problem in your official task. Businessmen in garment sector will see profit. Try to avoid conflict. Advocates will see difficult days. You might get opportunity to go abroad for higher education.

Capricorn (22 December- 20 January): You might get involved in illegal love. Politicians will see difficult days. Try to save. Social workers will get reputation. You will get sympathy of you wife. Person in education sectors will see new opportunity.

Aquarius (21 January- 18 February): Try to avoid conflict. Try not to hurt others. You will get relatives in your house. Persons in Accounting profession will be successful. Job seekers will get new opportunities.

Pisces (19 February- 20 March): Try to enjoy solitariness. Don’t be over generous. Service holders will get promotion. Some will gain spiritual experience. Writer, artists, actors will see good days. n
