Assad must be tried in ICC for crime against humanity

THE terrible leakage of extermination of over 13,000 Syrian rebels by hanging in underground prison cells by President Bashar al-Assad regime as media report said is no less a serious crime against humanity that can only be compared with the killing of the Jews in gas chambers by Adolf Hitler during the Second World War. Like the German butcher, Bashar al-Asad has also to his credit the killing of another 17000 people or more starving them to death in detention camps without food and drinking water. They were left to die from routine torture and ill treatment of notorious prison guards across Syria since 2011, the time people’s uprising spread to unseat tyrant Bashar al-Assad from power till 2015.

The breaking of the news comes as a big shock to the global community, which could hardly believe of such cruelties are taking place under their nose. We must say we feel quite speechless how to condemn it and helpless to save the people of Syria from a murderer trying to rule his country now through a six-year civil war crushing his people’s resistance. We must say the UN Human Rights Commission must open a vigorous investigation and Assad must be produced before the International Criminal Court for trial on war crime charges.

We must say it could not have been possible without the military and all other support of the Russian government to murderer Assad to keep him in power. They must be equally blamed for the severe crime against humanity and we must say Russian and Iran must stop their criminal support for Assad to save the people of Syrian from extermination. We are bewildered by the self-defeating policy of the West; the USA is in uncharted territory while Europe is tired of refugee exodus. But their silence will cost them too much at a time when Russia is digging in to replace western influence in the region.


Amnesty International’s disclosure that at least 20 to 50 persons were hanged in a week is a terrible disclosure. Based on interview of over 81 witnesses including former prison guards and inmates of the prison cells it appears that the regime used such hangings with authorization from the highest level of the government.

The chilling accounts of the prison killing say prison guards would tell inmates that they are transferring them to a civilian detention center but instead they would take them before a summery court where a sham trial that last only a minute or two would hand over death sentence to victims. Guards then take them to an underground cell blindfolded and only few minutes before being hanged, they were told about it and then tortured them till hanged to death.

As per Amnesty report it is a “calculated campaign of extra-judicial execution” to terrorize the entire population and crush any dissent or uprising within the Syrian population against Bashar al-Assad. In many ways the account of prison killing in Syria resembles the Nazi extermination of Jews in gas chamber in Poland’s Auschwitz town in 1942. President Bashar al-Assad is also using gas and starvation to kill his people. It can’t be allowed to go unchecked but an end is not in sight either.  
