ASK condemns police action on BNP rally

Staff Reporter :
Rights body Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK) condemned Saturday’s police action on the “black flag” procession of the BNP for release of their party Chairperson Khaleda Zia.
ASK also strongly censured the reported arrest of some 50 leaders and activists of the political opposition, said a press release.
Quoting media sources, ASK said around 100 BNP activists were hurt in police action.
It also blasted the law enforcers’approach to disperse the BNP activists who thronged in front of the party office at Nayapaltan in Dhaka yesterday.
Police on Saturday charged baton, sprayed hot water on the BNP activists, who have been demanding the release of Khaleda.
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia landed in jail on February 8 after she was convicted in Zia Orphanage trust graft case.
ASK has observed that holding of meetings, protest rally and processions are democratic.
The rights body maintained that the actions of law enforcers are unexpected.