ASK concern over pol crisis

Tareen Rahman :
Executive Director of Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) Sultana Kamal expressed her and the organization’s grave concern and condemnation over the loss of lives and public sufferings due to ongoing blockade and strikes called by 20 party alliance all over the country.
ASK is a human rights organization mainly working to protect rights of women and children in the country and they deal
mostly with domestic violence cases. Speaking about the unrest situation in the country, Sultana Kamal said, ‘We strongly condemn over the death of people due to setting fire, hurling petrol bombs at the running vehicles and other arson attacks. We also condemn the mass arrest of opposition leaders, attack at residences of political leaders, government employees and judges.’.
‘We want immediate cessation of the situation prevailing in the country and urge the government to protect democratic rights of the people and not to bar opposition from holding rallies as well as exercising freedom of expression. We also urge the opposition parties to hold protest or rally peacefully without any violence.”
Nina Goswami, Senior Deputy Director, Legal aid, ASK echoed Sultana Kamal’s views while speaking to our correspondent. She said, ‘We demand proper exemplary punishment of the people causing these arson attacks. All involved parties should be put to trial without delay.’
Sufferings of common people, particularly students, know no bounds. The country’s economy will suffer a setback if the blockade and hartal continues, she added.