Asif Akbar coming with two new songs


Entertainment Report :
Asif Akbar is one of the popular singers in the country who has been stepping forward with modern and play-back songs simultaneously. Now this singer is not interested to be present in music videos of own songs. He confirmed the matter on August 22. He has already lent his voice for two new songs. Titles of these songs are: Hey Probhu and Gunahgar. Kabir Bakul wrote lyrics of the song Hey Probhu while British composer Raja Kaasheff composed its tune. According to Asif, Hey Probhu
is a prayer song. On the other hand, on August 22, Asif also lent his voice for another song Gunahgar, which lyrics were written by NI Bulbul and tune was composed by Rohan Raz. While talking about his two new songs Asif Akbar said, “Kabir Bakul Bhai is one of the best lyricists now. He has kept his fame while
writing lyrics of the song Hey Probhu. Raja Kaasheff always composed melody typed songs. For the first time, he composed music for a prayer song for me. The song has become so nice that I believe within very short days the song will touch mind of the listeners. On the other hand, Gunahgar is an exceptional song. After a long time, I have rendered an exceptional song. It was my first experience to work with Rohan Raz and NI Bulbul. Rohan
composed tune nicely while Bulbul wrote the lyrics wonderfully. I am also optimistic about this song. Music videos of these two songs
will be made soon before release.”
Asif Akbar inspires the newcomer singers. He also renders song with them. Serakontho famed singer Anisa has already rendered a song with him. Meanwhile, Asif also lent his voice for another new song under Muhammad Milton’s music composition. Ahmed Rizvi wrote lyrics of this song. Rezwan Sheikh has arranged music of the song.
