Asia will be driving force in global economy: Speaker

BSS, Dhaka :
Speaker of the Jatiya Sangsad Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury on Thursday said Asia will be the driving power in the global economy in the 21st century and Bangladesh will remain with this journey.
She said this while speaking as the chief guest at the opening ceremony of the 4-day “Shape South Asia 2018” summit organized by Dhaka Hub of Global Shapers Community. The event has brought together world economic forum global shapers from around the world.
Under the theme of inclusion, the summit is expected to portray Bangladesh’s challenges and success stories in the areas of poverty alleviation, low-cost healthcare innovation, financial inclusion and sustainable manufacturing, said a press release.
Dr Shirin said the objective with which the global shapers community is going ahead would help the young people turn into creative manpower. There is enormous scope to utilize Bangladesh youth force for development, she added.
She said the benefits of economic growth will have to be reached grassroots level for achieving inclusive growth.
Bangladesh is advancing fast and its position in all socioeconomic indicators is strong, she said, adding that Bangladesh has emerged as a welfare state by introducing community clinic, one house one farm, allowance for senior citizens and allowance for widows.
The speaker urged the youngsters to enrich themselves with knowledge of ICT and acquire skills, saying that there is no alternation to practice knowledge in this knowledge-based world.
Over 100 young leaders from 30 countries are attending the summit
