Asia pacific new farming ecosystem launched in BD


Business Desk :
Syngenta Bangladesh has opened Centrigo, the first ever Asia Pacific new farming ecosystem in the country, in order to support farmers.
It all starts with the farmer being at the centre of everything, while aiming to transform Bangladesh agriculture for tomorrow. This endeavor of collaboration and partnership will empower farmers with end-to-end solutions to enhance yield, profitability and livelihoods through access to finance, technology and markets, according to a press release. “It is our belief that Centrigo will play a fundamental role in reshaping the future of agriculture in the country and drive a sustainable ecosystem in the agriculture landscape of Bangladesh,” it said.
The significance of farming to our country’s economic and social prosperity is clear. By putting the needs of the farmer at the centre we aim to support the Government in their ambitions for this critical sector to achieve even greater outcomes for the food security needs of Bangladesh, the prosperity of rural communities and respect for the environment.
