Asia-Pacific leaders call for greater regional cooperation


The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) in its 77th session in Bangkok has made a strong call for strengthening multilateralism, international development coordination, and collaboration with subregional organizations to build back better from the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific is at stake,” said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP, who noted that the health crisis, together with measures to mitigate its impacts, have deeply affected countries of Asia and the Pacific, both economically and socially, over the past year.
However, “the ongoing roll-out of vaccines in the region offers hope for recovery,” she said.
“Yet no country will be fully secure when others are still fighting the pandemic. We must ensure that the vaccines are affordable and accessible to all if we are to recover better together.”
Alisjahbana highlighted that ESCAP is taking steps to help its members build back stronger from the pandemic by advocating for strengthening social protection systems and enhancing sustainable financing, promoting digital trade, and investing in cleaner and greener solutions.
“As we approach our seventy-fifth anniversary of ESCAP next year, let us forge a common agenda to fully recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and to advance sustainable development through regional cooperation in Asia and the Pacific,” she said.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said while many ESCAP members were charting a course towards a strong recovery from the pandemic by committing to net zero emissions and green growth, millions of people across the Asia-Pacific region remained highly vulnerable and at risk.
“Together, let’s build a strong recovery from the pandemic, relaunch the Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, and create cleaner, greener, and more inclusive economies and societies that provide opportunities for all,” he said in a written statement. The session is being held under the theme, “Building back better from crises through regional cooperation in Asia and the Pacific.”
The study prepared for the meeting finds that throughout the region, countries have suffered abrupt economic contractions, interruptions to trade, broken supply chains, and the complete collapse of international tourism – leading to widespread job losses and increases in poverty.
The report finds that broadening social protection, investing in a sustained recovery, keeping goods and information flowing, and protecting environmental health will be key to emerging stronger from the pandemic.
In his address to the region’s leaders, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of Thailand underlined the need for national and global cooperation to build resilience to meet future crises.
“Covid-19 has brought home the realization that building back better requires immediate action and a whole-of-society approach that places people at the centre of our efforts in all aspects while ensuring no one is left behind,” he said.
