Ashraful terms BNP-Jamaat masked evil force

BSS, Rajshahi :
Awami League General Secretary and LGRD and Cooperatives Minister Syed Ashraful Islam categorically said the BNP-Jamaat axis has been doing politics in the country as masked evil forces.
He said the BNP-Jamaat has betrayed the Bangladesh people. Awami League workers have to be united to face them politically, he added.
He was addressing the opening session of triennial
council of Rajshahi District unit of Bangladesh Awami League at Divisional Women Sports Complex as the chief guest here. Syed Ashraf said the organizational activities have to be strengthened for the sake of continuation of the democratic and development process.
Referring to the current election demand of BNP-Jamaat, Syed Ashraf said no election will be held even before a day of 2019. Begum Zia has missed the train of the January 5 election. Now, there is no scope of holding any national election, he added.
AL Presidium Member and Health and Family Welfare Minister Muhammad Nasim opened the council. He said a political circle has been hatching a deep-rooted conspiracy with an ulterior motive to topple the present elected government and the attempt will be foiled collectively.
With district committee president Akhter Jahan, MP, in the chair, State Minister for Jute and Textile Mirja Azam, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, AL Joint Secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif, Foreign Affairs Secretary Faruk Khan, MP, Organizing Secretary Abu Sayeed Al Mahmud Swapan and Joint Secretary Jahangir Kabir Nanak also spoke, among others.
Muhammad Nasim said the BNP-Jamaat will be defeated politically. Before the January 5 election, many proposals for talks were given to Begum Zia but she did not respond. At present, there is no scope of any discussion or dialogue relating to election, he said.
In the council, Omor Faruque Chowdhury, MP, and Asaduzzaman were elected President and General Secretary of the district committee respectively.