ASAUB holds seminar on changing values

Campus Report :
Sociology Club of the Department of Applied Sociology, ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB) organized a seminar recently at the university premises. The title of the seminar was `Contemporary Society, Changing Values and Future Challenges’.
Dr Mokerrom Hossain, Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, Virginia State University, USA was the keynote speaker in the session. Prof Dr Dalem Ch. Barman, Vice Chancellor of ASAUB was present as chief guest while Prof Dr Abu Daud Hasan, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences presided over the program.
Prof Iqbal Ahmad, Dean, Faculty of Business, Md. Saiful Alam, Dean in Charge, Faculty of Law, Prof S Aminul Islam, Chairman, Dept of Applied Sociology spoke on the issue.
In his speech Prof Dr Mokerrom Hossain made an impressive analysis of the fundamental changes that the contemporary society is under-going and the crisis of values and the consequent spread of religious and ethnic violence all over the world. He stressed upon individual responsibilities to face the situation.
After the discussion, students of the Dept of Applied Sociology welcomed the newly enrolled (17th Batch) students and gave farewell to the 3rd, 4th and 5th batch students.
In the second part of the daylong program a colorful cultural program was staged. Students from the Dept of Applied Sociology participated in the cultural program.
Faculty members and students from different batches of the department of Applied Sociology were also present in the program.
