As Suu Kyi visits, China says own laureate won`t be released


Reuters, Beijing :China has no reason to change the verdict against jailed Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, the government said on Wednesday, as Liu’s fellow laureate and Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi arrived for her first visit to China.Activists are putting pressure on Suu Kyi, who will be in China until Sunday, to make some reference to Liu’s detention during her trip. Any mention of Liu would be bound to embarrass the ruling Communist Party.Asked whether China would listen to any appeal by Suu Kyi to release Liu, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said: “There is no reason to alter the judgement made in accordance with the law by China’s judicial organs.”Liu was jailed for 11 years in 2009 on subversion charges for organising a petition urging an end to one-party rule. He won the Nobel Peace Prize the following year.China has been keen to engage Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy is expected to do well in a general election in November, the first free vote in the country for 25 years.Suu Kyi is excluded from the presidency under a military-drafted constitution, but her power and influence will grow if the NLD performs as well as expected.Hong said China hopes Suu Kyi’s visit would “further deepen the understanding and trust between the two parties” and jointly promote cooperation in all areas.
