As police are helpless so they join the extortionists


AS Eid-ul-Azha nears fast, criminal activities like hijacking of Dhaka-bound sacrificial cattle-carrying trucks, armed robbery and extortion have marked a sharp rise on the national highways across the country. Traders and stakeholders concerned have blamed insufficient police patrols on highways for a spate of highway robberies now.
Transport owners and workers are reportedly being forced to feed extortionists’ money at some highway points on a regular basis. They can commit the crime as traffic as well as highway police also get a fair stake. Hijacking of two cattle-carrying trucks – one in Aminbazar, very close to the capital, and the other in Gazipur by highway goons – in the last two days has triggered panic among cattle traders and transport workers.
In the early hours of Thursday, highway goons snatched a truck loaded with 19 sacrificial animals from a group of traders in Mirerbazar area of Gazipur. When the truck reached the spot early Thursday, a pickup of criminals numbering 10-12 obstructed them. Later, the bandits snatched Tk 30,000, five mobile handsets and 19 cattle along with the truck and left the traders inside Rajendrapur jungle.
Police, however, recovered the truck from Mouchak area. Another truck, carrying 23 animals, was snatched near Aminbazar Bridge, on the outskirts of the capital, only two days ago. On Friday night, another hijacking of cattle laden truck occurred on Manik Mia Avenue in the capital city.
Intelligence sources said Dhaka-Chittagong, Dhaka-Sylhet, Dhaka-Aricha, Dhaka-Bogra and Faridpur-Khulna highways are highly sensitive crime zones. They said more than 300 members of 30 organised highway robber gangs are active. Some drivers, mechanics and helpers are also with the gangs.
Businessmen alleged that robberies take place on Dhaka-Chittagong highway almost every week. They are frustrated over repeated hijackings of RMG goods vehicles, resulting in the loss of buyer confidence.
It is known to the general public that almost all the muggers and extortionists are politically organised. The crimes have become in many cases a joint venture of police and political criminals. As police find helpless, so they join the extortionists. It is a sorry state that the people are helpless to every kind of excesses of public servants paid for the people’s protection.
