Arum farming gains momentum in Narsingdi on high demand in overseas

M.A. Awal, Narsingdi :
Arum, locally known as ‘Latiraj Kochu’ has created a new source for the people of Narsingdi as it is in high demand in overseas markets.
It is already being from the district after meeting the local demand, sources said.
Farmers have been cultivating the vegetable in different areas of the district including of Kachikata, Khedirpur, Char Manddaliya, Hatirdiya of Monohardi upazila, Shayednagar, Putia, Baroterkandi, Shadarchar, Bagabo, Brahmondi, Noadia, Lampur of Shibpur upazila and Amlabo, Charvelabo, Baroycha of Balabo upazila for long.
About 20-25 trucks of arum leaves and mother arum (Latiraj Kochu) are sent from the district to Karwan Bazar, Shyam Bazar and different other kitchen markets of Dhaka and other parts of the country everyday.
Farmers and local traders of Kundarpara arum market in Shibpur upazila demanded building of an arum processing zone here.
In this season new farmers brought a vast tract of land under the arum cultivation as it proved profitable. It needs less production cost then any other crop. It is the only crop that requires no pesticide. The farmers have shown their interest in the farming as it is almost a natural calamity-free crop.
In local kitcchen markets, one kg Latiraj is being sold at Tk 40 and one maund Tk 1600.
Locally known as Latiraj arum is a favorite vegetable of many people. Arum cultivation has brought fortune for many farmers in the district with its bumper production and high profit this season.
The good arum harvest has been attributed to suitable soil, favourable weather and necessary help fro the local agriculture officers.
Latafut Hossain Deputy director of the Department of Agriculture Narsingdi Extension said Arum is an environment friendly. Poison-free and nourishing crop. The agriculture department has been advising farmers on cultivating arum of the high yield variety.
Different varieties of arum are cultivated in the district including white and red colour. Almost all the varietes are grown in the waterlogged areas. The cultivation of Latiraj variety is gaining popularity among the farmers as it is about five times more profitable than paddy farming.