Art exhibition begins at Fine Art Faculty of DU

City Desk :
A week-long annual art exhibition of Department of Craft of Dhaka University (DU) began on Thursday at Zainul Gallery of Fine Art Faculty (FFA) of DU.
DU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman inaugurated the exhibition as the chief guest.
Professor Abdus Sakur Shah and Engineer Moinul Abedin were present as special guests at the programme.
A total of 89 art works of 44 students of the craft department have been on display at the exhibition.
The exhibition will remain open from 10 am to 8 pm daily and will continue till February 7.
FFA Dean Professor Nisar Hossain presided over the programme while Md Abdul Momen, Convener of the exhibition and Chairman of craft department were also present.