Arrest warrant against Kishoreganj Razakar duo

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-2 on Tuesday issued warrant to arrest alleged Razakar leaders from Nikli area of Kishoreganj, Syed Md Hossain and Md Moslem Prodhan.
The ICT-2 passed the order, accepting a petition from prosecutor Tureen Afroz. The senior prosecutor in his plea said the investigation agency is carrying out investigation against them for their monstrous role in 1971. But the duo and their men are threatening and harassing the victims and the witnesses.
“The investigation agency has already found ample evidence in support of their involvement with six charges including murder, rape and abduction. Both the men should be put behind the bars for proper investigation,” she said.
After hearing the plea, Justice Obaidul Hassan, chairman of the three-member panel of the ICT-2, issued the warrant.