Sedition case: Arrest warrant against Khoka


Court Correspondent :The Metropolitan Sessions Judge’s Court of Dhaka on Monday issued warrant of arrest against BNP Vice-Chairman Sadeque Hossain Khoka in a sedition case.Earlier, on the day, Judge Kamrul Hossain Mollah of the court took cognizance of the charge sheet of the case. On December 8, last year, Inspector Tofail Ahmed of Paltan Police Station submitted the charge sheet of the case to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka. Twenty-four persons were made witnesses in the case. Sub-Inspector Md Shahidullah Pradhan of Paltan Police Station filed the case with his police station on December 7, last year. The case record says that, on October 14, last year, while addressing a meeting at Bhasani Auditorium, BNP leader Sadeque Hossain Khoka called upon the leaders and activists of his party to jump ahead with chopper, axe and cooking tools to avert the last general election.Later, a general diary (GD) was made on behalf of Paltan Police Station. After an inquiry, SI Shahidullah Prodhan filed a sedition case on December 7, last year. Besides, another sedition case was filed against Khoka in 2010. Later, the court did not take cognizance of that case.Meanwhile, the Special Judge Court-3 of Dhaka, on October 20 of this year, sentenced Sadeque Hossain Khoka to 13 years’ imprisonment on the charge of accumulating illegal wealth.  
