Arrangement is missing as new wave of outbreak looming

WE are afraid the nation is facing a new wave of infections from coronavirus pandemic shortly after Eid-ul-Fitr as the crowd of people returning to the city and elsewhere. The situation may further worsen shortly the government is reopening offices, public transports and businesses but we are not sure how it is going to give safety to people and handle the new wave of attack. There is no big arrangement to tackle the new wave of attack.
The mad rush of Dhaka bound people on roads, water ways and ferry ghats particularly from southern districts is increasing the safety fear manifolds. These people are taking little care of social distancing in their desperate attempt to reach the capital ignoring social distancing and such other preventive measures. Hundreds and thousands of home-goers have not only left the infection to their families and neighbours but also carrying new infections back to the city.
We would suggest that the government should immediately take the private hospitals as almost two-thirds hospitals in the country are in private sector to extended health system to strengthen its capacity for isolation, quarantine and treatment coronavirus patients. Only limited facilities will not do to handle the wave of new outbreak.  
We can’t understand why the government allowed the collapse of the lockdown so easily without thinking twice the consequences. It has even ignored the recommendations by health experts and that of the national technical committee to cautiously move and lift restrictions in phases. Failure to feed jobless workers can’t be an excuse to lift the restriction making the entire nation vulnerable to die.
The Infection cases would rise many times medical experts cautioned. Alone on Friday new infection cases were at 2523 while the total stood at more than 40000. Total death tolls were at 550 but the ground reality shows the government is hiding the real number of hide its failure to save people. We want to say that the government should also improve the hospital management system to make them free from dirty unhygienic environment to house the patients. Cases of fleeing of patients from coronavirus wards in hospitals just show how ill managed are such facilities.
A new report on Thursday by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has warned the “peak of coronavirus in the world’s poorest countries is not expected until some points over the next three to six months.” Its reminder that in some poor countries where testing is not widespread the number of cases may be more than it shows. We want to say that the government must pay heed to experts’ advice instead of giving priority to its political interest.