Army makes necessary preparations for COVID-19 treatment

City Desk :
Bangladesh Army has made necessary preparations and arrangements for ensuring treatment to the Armed Forces members, who are infected with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). In this regard, necessary arrangements have been made at all the CMHs across the country including Dhaka CMH, said an ISPR press release.
 The release said so far a total of 345 serving and retired military and civil personnel and their family members got infected with the COVID-19 and thus they were admitted to Dhaka CMH.
Out of them, 88 COVID-19 patients were fully cured and returned to their respective residences while other admitted patients are in good condition.
Besides, six personnel have died of which four are above 70 years while 2 are serving army members while all of them were suffering from various non-curable physical complexities.
To facilitate COVID-19 testing among the members of the Armed Forces and their family members, 3 RT-PCR machines have already been installed at Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) while 10 other RT-PCR machines have been installed at other CMHs across the country.
So far, a total of 3,194 tests have been conducted at AFIP with its own arrangement while necessary PPEs, masks, gloves, necessary medicines and other medical equipment are in stock with sufficient numbers.
Besides, the presence of trained physicians round the clock have also been ensured at the CMHs in a planned manner.