Army Archery competition concludes


Bangladesh Army Archery Competition-2016 concluded at Shaheed Salahuddin Cantonment on Thursday at Ghatail, Tangail, says an ISPR release
Ghatail Area Commander and General Officer Commanding of 19 Infantry Division Major General Sajjadul Haque, afwc, psc was present as chief guest and distributed prizes among the winners.
24 Infantry Division (Chittagong Area) team emerged as champion, while 46 Independent Infantry Brigade team became runner-up. Shainik Md Rabiul Islam (Rangpur Area team) adjudged best archer, while Shainik Md Juel Rana adjudged best (newly recruit) archer.
Officers, Junior Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of all ranks from Shaheed Salahuddin Cantonment along with players of all team of Bangladesh army were present on the occasion.

Mentionable that, total 14 team from Bangladesh Army were participated in this competition since the start of the game on 02 October 2016.
