Armed preparations needed for success of diplomacy and for our security

There is no doubt Bangladesh is bracing an insidious aggression from Myanmar military as it is evicting the Rohingyas from their land and sending them to flee to Bangladesh for shelter. What is important is armed preparations are necessary for international diplomatics efforts to have a chance to succeed.
Whether Myanmar agrees or not Rohingyas are not stateless, they belonged to Rakhine State when Burmese warlords occupied the Rakhine State. But they were denied citizenship in 1988. No state can make its citizens stateless, and we have no hesitation in calling the military operations in Myanmar as Nazi kind of ethnic extinction. The world must not tolerate another Hitler regime.
The entire world also recognizes Rohingyas as Myanmar citizens. But they are being evicted now as part of a final solution for ethnic cleansing by Myanmar military for the purity of Buddhist race.
They are coming to Bangladesh in thousands every day and their rehabilitation in the Ukhiya and other locations on Bangladesh side of Myanmar border is creating a satellite Burmese state within the state. It is going to be a big security threat for Bangladesh but Myanmar is achieving its goal of ethnic cleansing without caring world opinion.
Defense analysts explained how the surge of Rohingyas could be a security threat for Bangladesh. We are sure Rohingya crisis will not be settled peacefully through diplomacy unless we are at least regionally organised for a military response.
Our government has no clear policy for other than saying Myanmar has to take back the refugees. The government is conspiring for election victory which is in its pocket. It will not hold election without being fully in control of its results.
The government is only highlighting the refugee crisis and calling for aid. They also want full control over foreign aid distribution which is not to be. But the bigger crisis that is remaining out of focus is how to protect the country from the military defiance of Myanmar.
Concerned quarters believe armed preparedness is vital to face the situation and give boost to diplomacy to bring the issue to the global community that Bangladesh is facing aggression and it deserve the rights to defeat conspiracies. The country must be able to deal the issue from a stronger position and should not allow the war-mongers across the border to create trouble for Bangladesh.
Most young Rohingyas have been killed as a matter of ethnic cleansing policy. There is terrorism. It is known to have been organised by the Myanmar military.
Defense analyst Major Gen (Retd) ANM Moniruzzaman in an interview in a Bengali national daily on Thursday warned of a critical situation in the region around the Rakhine State as more violence may destabilize the area having common border of Bangladesh, India and Myanmar.
He pointed out that foreign fighters might join Rohingyas soon to fight for the cause of their existence. New recruits are being trained in Indonesia and Malaysia while many Arab countries are extending financial help to help them organize. Meanwhile some Western countries like Germany have cut economic ties with Myanmar bracing it for new isolation.
It is so disappointing that the government is busy to annihilate the judiciary and unnecessary election campaign.
Rohingya crisis is not important enough though knowing how disorganised the government is.
