Commentary: Armed forces are needed to energise the service providers

Government has finally decided to deploy army to battle corona pandemic that is causing devastation all over the world. Our civil administration is disorganised and health system is in a sorry state of neglect.
Intensive and urgent health care facility is the only way to give people courage in the battle against spread of the pandemic. Asking people to shutdown at home is no guarantee for other family members not to contact the virus from each other.
The picture of mismanagement is too glaring and too frustrating. The stories are coming out daily in the media cannot be overlooked.
Doctors are unsafe to come to hospitals for treating the infected ones because enough safety gear are not available for them or nurses. Telephone calls are made where help should be available but most of the time there is nobody to answer.
There is no preparations to be active, as everybody is scared of the pandemic which has no cure. The preparations for intensive health care are the only hope for saving lives.
So the patients are not coming because treatment is not available. The doctors and nurses are staying away for their own protection, while adequate safety gear is to be supplied.
In this situation the doctors and nurses of armed forces could be of great life saving help by energising the health system and other service providers.
Shutdown has been declared for ten days. But there has to be sufficient assurance about the supply of basic needs. During the shutdown, the people will also need testing if anyone is suspected positive needing urgent medical care. He must be taken to an emergency medical centre.
We do appreciate that the armed forces have already become engaged in creating awareness among the people for the need of remaining at home. They are becoming actively involved with the ministries to work together. The armed force must make a difference to a helpless people at a time of unprecedented crisis.
There was no idea among the civil bureaucrats that when offices have been declared closed for ten days there will be a rush among city dwellers to go to their village homes, especially, when there is no preparations to be seen in the cities for their protection other than being shut down.
At the initial stages those who should have been in compulsory quarantine were told to be in their house quarantined as if they all knew what house quarantine meant. Thus for negligence of government officials also contributed to the spread of pandemic to the villages.
These facts are known but we are repeating them for the urgency of medical preparedness essential for testing the deadly virus. Shutting down is not the complete answer. It is not even an answer. The message that social distancing is vital for protecting oneself and others has not gone deep or far enough.
To ask people to remain confined at home is the WHO’s advice but unless family needs of the confined ones are properly met and the treatment facilities are at work and easily available, then the policy will only help to contain the family members collectively.
There is no single step for ending the nightmare of corona attack. There has to be a package arrangements. Both the government and the people must trust each other and work together.
We do not blame anybody in particular but the fact is that the government machinery is in a rotten state. Mainly the fear of police was strongly at work. Emotionalism of the government followers have taken them to the outer limits of hysteria. Nothing was important.
What we are anxious to emphasise is that we urgently need to have emergency centres for easy reach and immediate access by those in need of urgent help.
We must have many more emergency health centres. Every infected person needs urgent help. That is why ventilators or supply of oxygen are considered critical.
We shall urge and hope that with the involvement of armed forces health system will be revived, and together with doctors and nurses other essential services will be urgently available for easy access to the victims. There is a need for volunteers to go house to house to know what the confined ones need.
We must not be shy of seeking cooperation from foreign bodies and countries. The pandemic is global and global cooperation is in the every country’s interest. We must work together to save our lives. This is the time for helping each other.