Arif Motahar (right), Managing Director of Dhaka Regency Hotel, receiving Chinese business delegation led by He Baoxiang (middle), Vice Governor of Hunan Province and Shahid Hamid FIH, Executive Director (left) of the hotel are seen in the picture.

Arif Motahar (right), Managing Director of Dhaka Regency Hotel, receiving Chinese business delegation led by He Baoxiang (middle), Vice Governor of Hunan Province and Shahid Hamid FIH, Executive Director (left) of the hotel are seen in the picture.
Arif Motahar (right), Managing Director of Dhaka Regency Hotel, receiving Chinese business delegation led by He Baoxiang (middle), Vice Governor of Hunan Province and Shahid Hamid FIH, Executive Director (left) of the hotel are seen in the picture.

