Ariana Grande ‘loves America’ after obesity jibe


US pop star Ariana Grande insisted Wednesday that she “loves” her country after a furor over a jibe she said was over obesity.
A video at a California doughnut shop showed Grande and one of her back-up dancers playfully licking the sugary pastries while they were still on the counter.
The gossip site TMZ released the video and outrage erupted on social media over the comments by Grande who, upon seeing a new tray of doughnuts, is heard saying a profanity and then, “I hate America.”
As the controversy grew, the svelte 22-year-old said her remark came from her distaste for American overeating.
“I am EXTREMELY proud to be an American and I’ve always made it clear that I love my country,” she said in a statement.
“What I said in a private moment with my friend, who was buying the doughnuts, was taken out of context and I am sorry for not using more discretion with my choice of words.”
