Are you working too hard?

Life Desk :
Most of us would agree that few decades ago, life was much slower. Look at the scenario today, where workaholics dominate the society and offices. Smartphones and portable devices have made lives easier, no doubt. But it has also bought about a significant shift in our routines-like sending an important email while having lunch, or building invoices on your way back home.
It’s time for a reality check. The presence of more than 5 of the following signs is enough to get you the title ‘Workaholic’.
Sign #1: You feel that family time is unnecessary.
This thought entering your mind can be a danger signal. Referring to family time as an unproductive waste of time is your first step to being a workaholic.
Sign #2: You feel happy when you get time to read your favorite magazine.
No matter how busy you are, it’s really important to make time for yourself. If you’re happy you finally got some time for yourself, it’s a pretty clear sign that you need to do it more often.
Sign #3: Strangers tell you that you look rushed.
A fast pace and a hurried gait may not be visible to you, but it is to others. So the next time someone comments on your rushed behavior, make a mental note to manage your time slots more efficiently.
Sign #4: Muscle pain takes over your body.
Weakness and body pain is the first sign of your body telling you that you’re overworking. Getting a good night’s sleep is important for a more productive and healthy day at work. Don’t just rely on painkillers and over-the-counter drugs; give your body what it really wants.
Sign #5: You think of a Sunday get-together as a team bonding.
Bringing workplace attitude into your social and family life is another big no-no. People having such an attitude tend to be among the left-outs in social events.
Sign #6: At your child’s PTA meeting, you ask the teacher for your child’s core competencies.
Work obsession and perfectionist attitude is clearly evident here. Loosen up.
Sign #7: You go to bed mentally plotting down the next day’s work schedule.
Planning in advance is a good way to stay goal oriented and often implies success at workplace. Overdoing it, however, works the other way round. So if you’re doing it before bed, while eating, while travelling and in your shower, you’ve overdone it.
Sign #8: You write love-letters in bullet form.
Not willing to let go of your work in personal relationships is among the major reasons for unsuccessful relationships. Giving your partner the attention he/she duly deserves is important.
Sign #9: You ask the bridesmaid to take minutes of your wedding speech
At least your wedding should not be influenced by your work. Relax! Just chill!
Sign #10: You refer to your uncle’s death as a family downsizing
This one is a serious case of workaholicness. Let’s hope you didn’t tick this one!

Source: Medindia
