Are the parties on the same page?


Mohshin Habib :
Are there Islamic State militants in Bangladesh? Are they operating here through their Bangladeshi affiliates? Honestly, we, the Bangladeshi ordinary people have no idea whether the group furtively walking into our society. We are simply confused. Only the killing by the underground extremist groups is ostensible. However, the people do know that the government of Bangladesh has been deliberately denying the presence of IS without considering any possibility.
In recent times, machete-wielding assailants have hacked to death people ranging from secular bloggers, online activists, publishers, teachers, dissenters, foreigners and LGBT rights activists. USA has been strongly suggesting – after every occurrence — that the murders are being carried out by IS, the Middle-East based terrorist organization. The Islamic State have also claimed responsibilities of the murders through their media outlet. The latest issue (14th edition) of Dabiq, the ISIS-run sophisticated online magazine, claimed that a command structure in Bangladesh has been set up with a view to incorporate the country within the IS Caliphate. The magazine also revealed the name of its Bangladesh commander. US based SITE Intelligence, led by Rita Katz also quoted IS after the murders.
However, Dhaka and Delhi have been singing the chorus “there is no trace of IS in Bangladesh. Only the Home-grown terrorist groups like Ansarullah Bangla team and JMB are responsible for the crimes.” The government of Bangladesh, led by Awami League, have been trying to introduce Jamaat-e-Islam and BNP being the political powers behind this sinful acts. Unfortunately, the government seems more serious in denying IS presence than bring the criminals to justice.
The question of IS presence has got momentum after the killing of Xulhaz Mannan, a gay rights activist, once employed at the US embassy Dhaka. The US foreign office took the murder more seriously. After the killing of Xulhaz, Foreign Secretary John Kerry called Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and talked with her for 16 minutes demanding justice for slain men including Xulhaz and his friend Rabbi. Subsequently, in first week of May, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Nisha Disai Biswal arrived Dhaka for three-day unscheduled visit who met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and offered full cooperation to fight against terrorism. She also had an exclusive meeting with Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Mr. Harsha Bardhan Shringla on May 4. The Indian High Commissioner boldly told Biswal that “India does not want the Awami League Government to feel unstable for security and any other reason”. However, one question remains unanswered: Would denying ISIS’s presence make Bangladesh stable?
We hope all three parties want to see a stable-peaceful Bangladesh as US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat stated that “Our three governments – Bangladesh, India and United States — all fighting extremism. We are all on the same page here.”
The people of Bangladesh too would be glad to see the three on the same page. However it is unknown to us why “IS presence or absence” is a huge issue for all the parties. Why the debate getting stronger day by day!
After Biswal’s visit, Indian Prime Minister has decided to send his Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar to Dhaka. Sources then said, “This is an emergency visit and Jaishankar is coming with a special message for Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina assuring that India will stand by her government.”
On Wednesday evening, right after arriving at Dhaka airport, Mr Jaishankar went to see Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. On the surface, it seems Indian Foreign Secretary conveys his government’s message that it would stand by Bangladesh in the face of any attempts by terrorists and religious extremists to create instability. He also calls upon for stopping repression of religious minorities. Unfortunately, the masses are not buying this idea that Sri S. Jaishankar has arrived here to reiterate so simple words. The Indian Foreign Secretary, during his visit, expressed happiness with the progress in the power sector, land boundary agreements and LNG/LPG sectors. But it is obvious that his priority had been on security cooperation between the two countries.
Meanwhile, another US delegation is expected to visit Dhaka soon to discuss the counter-terrorism plan. So my quest is: If all three parties are on the same page, then why visit and counter-visit is going on? Why trilateral open discussion not taking place on security issues?
It would be pleasure for all of us if Dhaka and Delhi would be correct that there is no IS here in Bangladesh. However, the country will suffer a dire consequence in the future, if Dhaka and Delhi are wrong about IS’s presence. However, US seriously insists the assailants, operating in Bangladesh, have links with international terrorist groups. We can’t understand how and why India and Bangladesh are so sure that IS could not be here. IS is the strongest terrorist organization which has even reached in the Scandinavian countries. Not only it is economically strong but also it has tens of thousands of sympathizers across the word, especially in the Muslim word.
The EU Ambassador to Dhaka rightly said, “This debate will not serve any good purpose. The purpose is to contain this wave of violence. They are secretive. They are not a company. They are not registered anywhere. They have multiple faces, multiple names. They can change identity overtime.”
It is obvious that US wants to see that the deal, whatever it is, is done as soon as possible. It wants to see the task finished before President Barack Obama left office. The body language of US authorities say: “Of course there is IS in Bangladesh. If not, there is no business for us over there.”
On the other hand, India is obstinate not to agree with the idea that IS is operating in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is following the Indian path with closing her eyes. One thing we noticed in the statements which our authorities have been delivering for years: “We will never accept that the IS is operating here.”
We the poor Bangladeshis are bewildered. We have no idea what the parties want to gain from ‘there is IS and there is no’ politics. I have heard some people’s perception saying, in the name of fighting against IS, USA wants to physically run in to have a watchtower here to watch India and China due to Bangladesh is the most suitable geographical place. India apprehended it and decided not to acknowledge IS presence. I hope this perception is hypothetical. If India and US are real friends of ours, they will, I hope, help us to wipe out terrorism-extremism from our land without thinking of group’s identity.
I totally agree with EU ambassador that they are not registered anywhere. They have multiple faces, multiple names. They can change identity overtime. But they have one permanent identity: Religious extremist. A slain man would not be happy to be killed by Ansarullah Bangla team instead of Islamic State.
(Mohshin Habib authored the book ‘Bangladesh and Beyond: Odd Behavior of the States and the Communities’).
