Appeal for help


Samiha Sultana, a 4th year student of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Islamic University, has been suffering from deadly disease Clone Cancer for the last three months.
She wants to live while more than Taka 12 lakh will be needed for her treatment, the family sources said.
She is now undergoing treatment at the Christian Medical College (CMC) at Vellore in India, the sources added.
Her parents urged the university authorities, teachers, officers and students and well off people of the society to come forward with their helping hands to save Samiha Sultana.
The family members of Samiha Sultana cannot afford to bear the huge medical expenses.
People willing to help Samiha are requested to send their money to the following bank accounts Md. Toriqul Islam, Sonali Bank (Shoilokupa, Jhenidah Branch) Saving Accounts No: 201009947, Dutch Bangla Bank (Jessore Branch) A/C: 19310345840, bKash: 01905447834 (Personal).
