Days to go 4: Apparel sector’s business booming World Cup soccer fans order for jerseys


The country’s apparel sector witnesses a boom in their business this year following export of garment products, including jerseys, worth about $100 crore ahead of the World Cup Football 2014, sources in Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) said.
The month-long greatest show on earth will start in Brazil on June 12 to be viewed by billion of spectators of more than 200 countries. The curtain will be dropped on July 13.
All the jerseys have been tagged with, ‘Made in Bangladesh’. The BKMEA has already shipped major part of the garments as per order. The remaining will be completed before the start of the competition.
BKMEA President (acting) Mohammad Hatem said that the demand for readymade garments had augmented by 14 per cent, adding that the main role of this rapid growth goes to the FIFA World Cup-14.
Some of our 100 apparel factories, he added, fortunately received orders for making jerseys for the soccer fans. “Although I have no specific data on the order amount at this moment, it might be between $ 50 crore and $100 crore”.
The record of exporting earnings from the readymade garments, he hopes, will hit $25 billion in the outgoing fiscal year ’14, marking three billion growth.
A lion portion is coming from sale of jerseys and several sports products. “We received huge orders from the world’s eminent apparel shopping malls as we are able to deliver at a rate cheaper than China”, he said.
The football federation of Brazil has already taken a decision to tag ‘Made in Bangladesh’ in all the jerseys in a bid to commemorate the Rana Plaza victims.
Naiky, Puma and Addidas-the world leading sports clothes sale organisations, got their jerseys made from our country this year.  
Mohammad Hatem said, his factory received orders of manufacturing 2,50,000 jerseys for the soccer fans of Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Italy and Portugal.
K M Rezaul Hasanat, Chairman of Vialatex Group, said that his garment industry received orders for sport shirts worth Tk 30 lakh for the football admirers of Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
I will not be surprised if our country earns $one billion this year from the exporting sports apparels, he said.
Bangladesh Garment Manufactures and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) said they have no specific data how many factories are producing sports goods, including flags and caps this year.
