APG team to monitor anti-money laundering process

Asia Pacific Group's Financial Action Task Force is to create a level playing field among the countries, especially in the cases related to investment, cash money and good governance. They will evaluate the recent terrorist threats and poor records in containing unabated money laundering.

Economic Reporter :
Eight-member delegation of the Asia Pacific Group (APG) team arrived in Dhaka on Sunday with a view to evaluating the country’s anti-money laundering efforts.
 The APG team has appreciated the government’s initiatives to check money-laundering activities in the country. According to the visiting team, Bangladesh is progressing steadily on anti money laundering activities.
State Minister for Finance Minister M A Mannan said it to the reporters in his secretariat office on Sunday. Before briefing the reporters, the minister held a meeting with the APG team.
The APG team also admired the investigation process of the law enforcement agencies regarding anti-money laundering, said the minister. The team will meet different wings of the government.
The APG team, an autonomous and collaborative international organisation founded in Bangkok in 1997, is currently in Bangladesh to compile a comprehensive report on the country.
The APG conducts mutual evaluation of its members to implement the global anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing standards.
The aim of the visit is to create a level playing field among the countries, especially in the cases related to investment, cash money and good governance.
Actually, the crime relating to money laundering is increasing internationally day by day and the financial aspects of the crime have become more complex due to rapid advances in technology and globalisation of the financial services industry.
Banking Secretary Aslam Alam said, Bank and Financial Institutions Division of the Finance Ministry has already sent a letter to the Home Ministry to provide security to the APG taskforce during the entirety of their stay until October 22.
“We have taken different strategies to provide security to the visiting APG team in the wake of the recent killings of two foreigners from Italy and Japan in Bangladesh,” said the Banking Secretary.
The visit of the APG evaluation team is necessary to examine the anti-money laundering activities in Bangladesh and retain an anti-money laundering status, he said.
During the visit, the Asia Pacific Group’s Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on combating money laundering and terrorist financing will evaluate Bangladesh’s regulatory and functional capabilities in tackling the recent terrorist threats and poor records in containing unabated money laundering, also said the secretary.