Anwarul for following Prophet’s ideology to address Covid-19


Cabinet Secretary Khandker Anwarul Islam on Sunday said the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could be dealt with by following the life and ideology of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM).
“We can get relief from the hard situation of Covid-19 by following the life and ideology of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (SM),” he told a doa and milad mahfil here. The doa and milad mahfil was arranged at Bangladesh Secretariat Jamea Mosque after Johr prayers, marking the holy Eid-e Miladunnabi, said a press release of the Religious Affairs Ministry.
Speaking on the occasion, the cabinet secretary said observing the holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi amid the Covid-19 pandemic has a special significance.
Citing a hadith, he said: “We must be careful and keep patience to this end. We have to seek apology (to Allah) for our sins.” Anwaul urged all to follow health guidelines and wear mask as per the government’s instructions.
He said the opponents of Prophet Mohammad (SM) have written many books against him but they acknowledged that the Prophet never told lie and did not misappropriate the deposits of depositors.
Religious Affairs secretary Dr Md Nurul Islam joined the doa and milad mahfil. Bangladesh Secretariat Jamea Mosque khatib mufti Md Omar Faruk conducted milad while doa and munajat was conducted by imam of Nation Mosque Baitul Mukarram mufti Maulana Mihibullah Baki.
