Anwar Ispat going for expansion

Manwar Hossain
Manwar Hossain
By I.H.Sharif :
Some thirty-eight years elapsed when Anwar Ispat was incorporated as a steel re-rolling mill in 1977 and mill went into operation in 1978. At the moment, the mill’s per day production is 600 metric tons. Work for expansion of Anwar Ispat has started and when its expansion will be completed in three to four months, its production capacity will increase by 400 metric tons per day and 360,000 metric tons per annum.
Ever since its entry into the mild steel market with 60 grade products for the first time in Bangladesh, Anwar Group has continuously upgraded itself to bring the world’s latest and most advanced technology in the Bangladeshi market.
Since its launch, Anwar Ispat has been redefining the Bangladeshi Re-bar market. Committed to bringing the world’s best technologies in the country, the group boldly opted to introduce Europe’s pioneering technology from Belgium for its quenching of TMT process. For rolling, Anwar Group introduced the worldwide acclaimed rolling technology of the USA.
Anwar Ispat, with its 500W Re-bars, gallantly leads the country’s mild steel industry into the export market. This achievement within one year of its launch is attributed to the Group’s commitment to technology and relentless devotion of Team Anwar Ispat. This glorious achievement, Anwar Group hopes, shall open a new era for the country’s much required diversification of export base and will inspire Team Anwar Ispat to aim even higher in the future.
Anwar Ispat invests its people, its time, its resources and its technologies in bringing top-quality steel to the market. With state-of-the-art equipment and capabilities at par with global standard Anwar Ispat meets production goals while keeping people safe and the environment protected.
Anwar Ispat operates state-of-the art steel plants, specially designed for maximum efficiency and safety. All processes are integrated to create a streamlined flow of material, from raw material delivery through to storage and dispatch of the finished product. Such intelligent plant integration assures customers of uncompromising levels of quality, efficiency, accuracy and productivity.
Being the early adaptor of latest technologies, for instances, efficient furnaces, continuous casting machine followed by TMT (Thermo Mechanical Treatment) technology, the mighty innovation in quenching and tempering, Anwar Ispat has brought major efficiency gains with reduced demand on energy and cutting on carbon foot print.
A strong and dedicated workforce runs Anwar Ispat’s plant. Engineers, operators, and mechanics of Anwar Ispat undergo rigorous and continuous training, resulting in maximum efficiency, excellence in operations and delivering on international scale.
Anwar Ispat’s re-bars are specified and assessed from the functional point of view over mainly two dimensions; mechanical and chemical properties. Anwar 500W complies with all mechanical and chemical specifications specified by ISO BDS 6935-2:2006. Particular attention is given to the properties namely; ductility, elongation and ratio of ultimate to yield strength for use in seismic design. These desired mechanical properties are achieved by maintaining the right chemistry in the billet making and controlling rolling parameters.
Anwar re-bars have excellent ductility (in spite of their high strength) facilitating easy bending without micro cracking, making work easier and reducing labor hours wastage due to highly controlled process that ensures microstructure with a soft core.
Anwar 500W has low carbon contents which meet the requirements of ISO BDS 6935-2:2006 for a weld able steel because of its carefully controlled chemical composition.
Anwar re-bars can be welded using all common welding processes without pre-warming or post-welding requirement. This means stronger and safer weld joints and reduction in wastage during welding at site.
Anwar re-bars have been proven to have higher resistance to cyclic loading conditions and are recommended in the earthquake prone areas.
Anwar re-bars provide the best solution for structures subject to earthquakes owing to high dissipation of energy. In perfectly designed (statically in determinant) structures, high ductility steels facilitate the distribution of loads. Because of its high ductility the use of Anwar re-bars prevents the sudden catastrophic collapse of structures, reducing loss of life and other damage because of its high ductility.
In addition to the strength and ductility, reinforced concrete needs strong bonding between steel and concrete to ensure the composite works efficiently. Anwar re-bars have precise, uniform and parallel rib pattern engraved through computer controlled, CNC machine resulting in excellent uniformity.
“To manufacture our products, we import shredded spare scraps and blue steel from the UK and the USA and billets from Turkey,” said a sales official of Anwar Ispat while talking to this correspondent recently. At the moment, we export four to five thousand metric tons of our products to Seven Sisters in India annually, he added.
“Because of weak negotiation capacity of Bangladesh export team officials, Bangladesh is not in a good position to export steel products to India,” said Manwar Hossain, the Group Managing Director of Anwar Group of Industries while talking to this correspondent in the evening on January 6(Wednesday) last.
Asked if they supply steel products for construction of Padma Bridge, he said, “Initially we supplied steel for construction of Padma Bridge and in futute we will supply much more steel for construction of the bridge.”