Anwar Hossain Khan,EC Chairman of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, presiding over its 749th meeting at the bank head office in the city on Wednesday. The members of the committee discussed various issues related to investment in different sectors. Among others the Directors and Members of Executive Committee (EC), Farman R Chowdhury, Managing Director, Khandaker Shakib Ahmed, Engineer Md. Towhidur Rahman, Md. Sanaullah Shahid and Mohiuddin Ahmed and members of the committee were also present.

Anwar Hossain Khan,EC Chairman of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, presiding over its 749th meeting at the bank head office in the city on Wednesday. The members of the committee discussed various issues related to investment in different sectors. Among oth
Anwar Hossain Khan,EC Chairman of Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited, presiding over its 749th meeting at the bank head office in the city on Wednesday. The members of the committee discussed various issues related to investment in different sectors. Among oth

