Anushwar, a lighthouse of knowledge

Jahed Nohim, CoU :
“The book is the greatest interactive medium of all time. You can underline it, write in the margins, fold down a page, skip ahead. And you can take it anywhere.” Michael Lynton.
A book, sometimes, is considered as the best friend of a man’s life, sometimes as the storehouse of Knowledge, best companion of leisure time as well. A book can unite a nation, can cause for an anarchy, can show the history, and can reveal the truth like ‘Da Vinci Code.’ It helps to outgrow the depression. As Martin Tupper said, “A good book is best of friends, the same today and for ever.”
At the university level, a literary organization, based on books, is very common in Bangladesh. Same here at Comilla University, a bunch of young and enthusiastic juveniles take an initiative for the book lovers of the University launching “Anushwar”, a book-based organization with the slogan “Akkhoraloke Udvashito Hok Dorshon”, this year. Shotabdi Jubayer Department of Bangla along with Aishwarjya Mim department of Economics and Maher Rahat of Mass Communication and Journalism invented the idea. Then Jubayer Ahammad, Abdur Rahman, Jannatun Nisa from the Department of Economics came ahead to establish the Anushwar. The organization has already arranged twenty literary sessions on various topics of world literature. On each Saturday, the members of the organization gathered together with an aim of enriching their domain of knowledge. Moreover, they have started working to develop a library as a sister concern of the organization with the books from different disciplines.
The ultimate goal of Anushwar is to bring all the book lovers under the same roof. “In our country, everyone, as the so-called trend demands, runs after the academic success without having any definite goal.
But that is not something that we expect from a university student. Anushwar wants to raise that consciousness among creating a new platform for an intellectual movement and that’s why Anushwar began its journey”, founder Shotabdi Jubayer opined.
A book can change the human concept bringing the whole world in front of our eyes. Anushwar, so to speak, aims to bring some potential writers from the campus. Co-founder Aishwarjya Mim expressed, “we are trying to create a writing society. And our ultimate target is to bring out our own magazine to make a space for the latent talents.”
Though Anushwar starts its journey just a few months ago, it has already earned a good number of well-wishers from the different walk of life and from the campus as well.
Another Co-founder Maher Rahat believes, Anushwar to help the country by producing a sum of well-educated and experienced manpower in the near future.”
All the members expect that Anushwar, being a guiding star, will enlighten their philosophy of learning with the printed letters and the letters spring from the soul.